1. You say you are going out for an "easy" run day, which translates into 10 miles.
2. You have ice packs taking up way more space in the freezer than was ever intended.
3. You start to check out people’s legs when they walk by, and can point out the runners.
4. You have started a run under the stars and finished it with the sun overhead.
5. You know when new running shoes it the market.
6. Your “clothing” budget goes mostly toward running apparel.
7. You or others have referred to your body as a “machine.”
8. You keep your Camelback filled and in the fridge.
9. Running less than an hour seems pointless.
10. You have more running shoes than most women have dress shoes.
11. You smile at mile 5 because you are just starting to feel good.
12. You don’t get blisters anymore.
13. You’re tired of explaining to people that yes, the marathon YOU ran was 26.2 miles and in fact they are all that far.
14. You see distance running as a lifestyle, not a sport or hobby.
15. You run 5 miles to warm up for a 5K.
16. You know the definition of words like illiotibial band, psoas, piraformis, and how they relate to running performance.
17. When someone boasts they are training for a ½ marathon, you offer encouragement and smile, trying not to be a running snob.
18. Twenty-five songs on your ipod probably won’t be enough for your run.
19. Half your closet is filled with race T-shirts.
20. You have two sets of friends, the nonrunner ones who think you’re crazy and the runners who understand you.
21. You’re training for one now but already thinking of what race you’ll do after that one.
22. You feel guilty because you ran only 3 times last week.
23. You stash water bottles on your route before you start the run.
24. You take vacations based on where you want to run a race next.
25. You’re always on the lookout for a good place to run.
26. You wash running clothes three times a week.
27. You take it as a compliment when someone refers to that distance as crazy.
28. Either Friday or Saturday night is ALWAYS an early night for you.
29. You have stopped to throw up during a run only to keep going afterward.
30. You would never think of checking your running shoes on a flight. In fact, you wear them just to be on the safe side!
31. When you tell yourself midrun you’re just going to take it easy and get your mileage done.
32. You run out and back but forget to turn around at the midpoint.
33. You’re the only one who doesn’t care that the local 10K provides Gatorade at 3 rest stops. You moved on to GU and another energy drink a long time ago.
34. You spend as much time thinking and talking about running, if not more, than you actually spend running.
35. You’ve run more of your local roads than you’ve driven in your car.
36. You know what an ultra is, and you are familiar with at least a half-dozen. In fact, you’ve given serious thought to running one.
37. Your mileage per week exceeds this number regularly.
38. You buy energy drinks by the case.
39. You’re tired of explaining to nonrunners that you didn’t win the marathon.
40. You judge how hard your run as by the color of your urine.
41. You are missing toe nails.
42. You start your run feeling that is the most natural feeling in the world, more so than walking.
43. Nobody bothers to ask you anymore what you’re doing on Saturday morning.
44. The first thing you pack for any trip is your running gear.
45. You always have a large jar of peanut butter in your pantry.
46. You leave to run and nobody is worried when you still aren’t back in a couple of hours.
47. To you, a true friend will say “I know you are in pain, but I don’t care, you will not stop, you will finish and you will thank me for it,” and you know she’s right.
48. You use PR as a verb.
49. In the shower after a long run you brace for when the water is going to hit all the chafed spots.
50. You don’t just get sweaty; you get salty.
51. You know the exact mileage to places in your neighborhood because you pass them when you run… “So where is the Burger King?” “Oh, it’s1.6 miles down that road to your right.”
52. You are mixed between humored and annoyed when someone says “Oh you can eat anything. You’ll just run it off.”
53. You’re the “runner” in your office.
54. You have discussed the difference between running and jogging. You are not a jogger.
55. People look at you weird when you tell them you eat on your long runs.
56. You’ve memorized all the BQ times for every age group.
57. You know what BQ means.
58. You can quickly convert pace per mile into marathon finishing times.
59. You hate the phrase “You’re almost there.”
60. You know who Deena Kastor is and what she has accomplished.
61. You own a headlamp but have never explored a cave.
62. You know the difference between good pain and bad pain.
63. Every gift you get on birthdays and Christmas is running-related.
64. In the time it took to read this you could have run ____ miles.
65. You know how the marathon got its name and why it’s 26.2 miles.
66. You love the shock on your neighbor’s face when he sees you running 10 miles from your house.
67. You need more than 2 sentences to describe your race strategy.
68. You can solve 99 percent of your big problems on a long run.
69. You will read every word written on this subject.
70. You have a ritual before a run.
71. You try to persuade people to run a 10K because it’s “only” 6 miles.
72. Your nonruning friends come to you for advice on starting to run.
73. You have never kept a diary, but you keep a running log.
74. You train all summer long in extreme heat only to travel to a freezing cold place to run your marathon.
75. If you’re not soaked with sweat after a run, you’re not satisfied.
76. When you are in your car and see a person running, you wish you were running, too.
77. You buy more running shoes than any other kind and willingly pay $100 or more for them, but when you buy other shoes you don’t think it’s worth paying any more than $50.
78. You pass on happy hour after work because you have to run the next day.
79. Your cupboard is loaded with electrolyte gels, energy drink mix, recovery drink mix, power bars and energy gels.
80. You have a favorite flavor of Gu.
81. You run 10 miles in the morning and then see someone running later in the afternoon and feel guilty because you’re not running.
82. If someone asks “How was your run?” you don’t say “fine” but proceed to describe in details what you saw, and how how you felt at every mile along the way in great detail.
83. If you finish an 18-mile run and realize your mileage is only 17.85, you run an extra .15 miles so you don’t feel like you’re cheating.
84. You can run 10 miles despite a screaming hangover.
85. You sign up for a half-marathon for fun.
86. You go on a ski trip and bring your running gear to get in your run after skiing all day.
87. You have a marathon bumper sticker or tattoo.
88. You realize your long run this week is “only” 16 miles.
89. Date night is scheduled around your running schedule.
90. You’ve had “Run, Forrest, Run” yelled at you at some point.
91. While standing in line at the bank or the grocery store you start to stretch and think nothing of it.
92. Your nonrunning friends can’t believe how much and how often you eat.
93. You run every tangent.
94. You have entered a race to pace your friend.
95. Your roommates ask you how long your training run is going to be in hours, not minutes or miles.
96. You aren’t really sure what you would do with all the extra time if you didn’t run.
97. You get excited about a negative split
98. You know what a negative split is.
99. You have an exact answer ready for “What is your BMI?” “What is your resting pulse rate?” “What is your body fat percentage?” “How much do you weigh?”
100. You can decide to run a half-marathon at the last minute.